Memory/disk allocation of Cloud Foundry apps
Oct 4, 2016With the help of the cf api, cf cli and jq one can pretty easily check the amount of memory/storage allocated for apps/containers deployed in CF:
cf curl /v2/apps | jq '[.resources[].entity | \
select(.memory > 1) | \
{"mem": . | (.memory * .instances), \
"disk": . | (.disk_quota * .instances)}] | \
{"instances": map(.) | length, \
"mem_total": map(.mem) | add, \
"disk_total": map(.disk) | add}'
"instances": 5,
"mem_total": 32768,
"disk_total": 32768
Values are in MB.
Note: above mentioned command only works if you have less than 100 apps (and you set the page size to 100). In all other cases you will only get the amount for the apps on the first page returned by the api. If you are interested in getting more than that use the following script:
import json
import subprocess
import sys
next_url = "/v2/apps?page=1&results-per-page=100"
while next_url:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Calling: %s' % next_url
cf_curl_command='cf curl "%s"' % next_url
cf_curl_output=subprocess.Popen(cf_curl_command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout
for element in resources:
entity = element["entity"]
memory_per_instance = float(entity["memory"])
if memory_per_instance > 1:
state = entity["state"]
memory_per_app = float(entity["instances"]) * memory_per_instance
if state not in filtered_objects:
filtered_objects[state] = 0.0
filtered_objects[state] = filtered_objects.get(state, 0.0) + memory_per_app
print json.dumps(filtered_objects)
Compared to jq
before you have all power of python. Also you don’t need to take care of authentication as cf curl
is invoked. To run simply do python
on the machine where you have logged in using cf login